Role učitele ve škole Montessori

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Článek k problematice role učitele ve škole Montessori.

This contribution deals with the role of teachers interacting with pupils in Montessori schools. Originally an exercise research for the study course of qualitative research in educational sciences, the text outlines the basic principles of Maria Montessori's pedagogy, describing then the research method and the findings. A teacher was observed, keeping to her designed role within a certain extent of workload only. Yet once there were too many requirements from pupils, she abandoned her ideal role and became a captive who, under the load of her tasks, tended to solutions contravening to Montessori's philosophy and reprobated by herself when she spoke about them.

Související obsah

Systémem vzdělávání montessori se na portále Šance Dětem zabývají články:

- od Ivany Horváthové s názvem "Alternativní školství"

- od Heleny Kočové s názvem "Doporučení pro pedagogy a psychology".

Zdroj dat
Zdrojové periodikum / Zdrojový web
Studia paedagogica : sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, Roč. 55, č. 12 (2007)

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