Šetření zdravotně postižených osob zaplnilo další bílé místo na mapě české statistiky

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Příspěvek věnovaný prvnímu statistickému průzkumu zdravotně postižených osob v České republice provedenému v roce 2007 Českým statistickým úřadem ve spolupráci s Ústavem zdravotnických informací a statistiky České republiky.

The article informs on methodological approaches and results of the first statistical survey on people with disabilities carried out in 2007 by the CZSO in cooperation with the Institute of Health Information and Statistics. The point of departure was the definitions of disability and minimal disability which should be covered by the survey. Survey results concerning health characteristics show the numbers of people with disabilities by age and gender, types, causes, level and implications of
disabilities. Also socio-economic information such as educational level of people with disabilities, their position in the labour market, social benefits, housing and marital status. The conclusion is devoted to the future of the people with disabilities survey in the light of the common EU survey which is being prepared.