On integration of isolated pupils into the class using modern teaching methods

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Článek k problematice integrace izolovaných žáků do třídního kolektivu s využitím moderních vyučovacích metod.

Successful pedagogical work is unthinkable without good knowledge of relationships of pupils in the classroom. The knowledge is important especially in the case of a class of teenagers. The article deals with the issue of isolated pupils in such a class and the possibility to integrate them into the class using suitable modern teaching methods (project-based learning, cooperative learning, collaborative teaching/learning). The method as well as the process and results of the research connected with this problem at elementary school are described in this paper. The aim of the research was to answer the question: Can the project-based learning help isolated pupils integrate into the class? Using sociograms and the Wilcoxon statistic test of signifi cance, the hypothesis was accepted that the number of isolates after the project-based learning is statistically significantly lower than that of the case of using the classical frontal teaching.

Zdroj dat
Zdrojové periodikum / Zdrojový web
E-pedagogium : an independent scientific journal for interdisciplinary research in pedagogy, Vol. 2013, No. 2 (2013)