Response to first antiepileptic drug trial predicts health outcome in epilepsy

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Článek k problematice farmakoresistentní epilepsie.

Failure to respond to the initial antiepileptic drug (AED) is a predictor of increased risk of pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Whether response to the first AED also predicts adverse health outcomes is unknown. This longitudinal study compared rates of major adverse health outcomes (loss of driving privileges, unemployment, divorce/separation, injury, emergency room admission, hospitalization, and death) in 33 patients who failed the first AED (cases) and 30 patients who became seizure-free with the first AED (controls). Patient data were obtained by chart review and confirmed through a structured interview with each subject at 5-7 years after starting AED treatment. We also assessed between-group differences in quality of life, depression, and adverse AED effects by using standardized instruments completed by each subject at the end of follow-up.

PERRUCA, P., HESDORFFER, D. C., GILLIAM, F. G. Response to first antiepileptic drug trial predicts health outcome in epilepsy. Epilepsia 52, 2011, pp. 2209–2215.

Zdroj dat
Zdrojové periodikum / Zdrojový web
Epilepsia, 52